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TN Franchise Tax Refund

TN Franchise Tax Refund Announcement

自今年年初以来,我们一直在关注田纳西州特许经营税财产因素的立法和法律发展, and are happy to share that on May 10th, 州长比尔·李签署了一项新的法律,取消了特许经营税基中的财产计量. 

这项新法律有望废除财产计量,并允许在2020年至2023年纳税年度通过法规进行退税. 我们一直在对客户信息进行数据挖掘,并正在与大家分享这个过程,并在我们为客户处理退款时帮助您确定下一步的步骤.

Next Steps


Your CPA will be in touch with your tentative amount. If you want us to accelerate the process for you, please CLICK HERE, 我们会有一个团队成员给你一个快速的回复,提供更多的细节和对你的数据的分析.

我们将为您发送封面和约定书,授权我们代表您处理任何退款. 然后,我们将在税务部门的从业者TNTAP登录中从头到尾地工作这个过程,并在完成后为我们的客户提供确认. 完整的退款过程需要我们的团队在几天内与税务部门进行多次接触. We must also still file the 2023 Tennessee returns, 因为法律是在处理修改后的退货和退款请求之前制定的. So, 如果你2023年的纳税申报表没有完成,那么现在就可以处理2020年到2022年的纳税申报表,这样做两次是有意义的. 

We are aiming to complete the majority of the claims prior to August 15. 田纳西州税务局将需要一些时间来为数十万纳税人处理所有这些问题, 并将在退款未付90天后开始以降低的利率支付利息. So please do not expect a refund next week!

What This Means to You

如果你的财产系数高于上一年的TN FAE 170税务申报的净资产系数,这项新法律可能允许你申请退款. 我们正在分析所有客户的数据并计算暂定的退款金额,并将根据您各自的号码单独与您联系. 
As your CPA, 我们已经准备好开始提交这些修改后的申报表和退款索赔,以帮助您确保这些潜在的美元,如果您从法律中受益.

重要的是要明白,作为这项立法的一部分,并利用有限的退款机会, you are waiving your rights to historical refunds for years prior to 2020, and forgoing other rights including potential interest or remedies.

For the majority of TN taxpayers, 经济现实中追求更高利益的诉讼成本和风险太大, and as a result, 大多数公司将追求这种有限的退款机会(仅限于2020-2023年的退款),而不是通过法律体系寻求进一步的好处(寻求2020年之前的退款和/或利息)。. 如果我们认为您应该考虑替代田纳西州的有限退款方式(2020-2023年), we will discuss this with you. In general, if you pay less than $25,根据财产因素和贵公司的净资产,特许经营税是一个明显较低的因素, it will make sense to pursue the limited refund.

As part of participating in the limited refund opportunity, 1)您的公司名称将在有限的时间内出现在田纳西州税务局的网站上, and 2) you knowingly waive all claims and rights of action in any court, state or federal, against the Tennessee Department of Revenue, Commissioner of Revenue, State of Tennessee, 或者它的员工基于任何理论认为特许经营税是违宪的,因为它没有通过内部一致性测试. We have not heard any clients express any grave concerns around the disclosure, as it simply discloses the company name and the range of the refund amount.

The claim for refund must be submitted between May 15, 2024, and November 30, 2024. 11月30日之后,这个项目将永久关闭,机会也将过去. 

如果你是好奇的,因为你等待听到你的注册会计师与你暂定的退款金额, you may look at Line 2 of your TN FAE170 (Tennessee Franchise & Excise Tax Return). 如果这一行大于第一行,并且第三行大于100美元,您就有资格获得退款. 在某些情况下,退款金额可能等于第3行中显示的金额减去100美元. However, if Line 1 is greater than $0, and Line 2 is greater than Line 1, you will still have a refund, 但它将是已被废除的旧财产因素的特许经营税与持续净资产因素的特许经营税之间的差额. We are doing this for you right now.


Your CPA will be in touch soon regarding your refund potential. If you would like to try and tackle this yourself, we are always available to consult at our hourly rates.  和往常一样,如果有任何问题,可以直接联系你的注册会计师.

Thank you, as always, for the opportunity to serve you. 
We are excited to help you secure these refunds starting now!
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