

QuickBooks的技巧 > 精度提示 > Receiving Customer Payments: What are your Options?

Receiving Customer Payments: What are your Options?

QuickBooks was designed to make your daily accounting tasks easier, faster, and more accurate. If you've been using the software for a while, you've probably found that to be true. Some chores, 当然, aren't so enjoyable, like paying bills or reconciling your bank account...Or anything else that has the potential to reduce the balance in your checking accounts.

The process of receiving customer payments is one of your more enjoyable responsibilities. You supplied a product or service that someone liked and purchased, 你会得到应得的钱.

Depending on the situation, you'll use one of multiple methods to record customer payments. 让我们来看看你的一些选择.


如果你像许多企业一样, you send invoices to customers to let them know what they owe and when their payment is due. One of the most commonly used ways to record payments is by using the 收到付款收到付款 在主页上的图标或点击 客户|收款.

图1:使用QuickBooks 收到付款 屏幕 when you record a payment made in response to an invoice.

你要做的第一件事, 当然, is choose the correct customer by clicking the down arrow in the field to the right of 收到. The outstanding balance from that customer will appear in the upper right corner, and invoice information will be displayed in the table below. 进入 付款额 确保 日期 是正确的. (下一个领域, 参考#,变为 检查# 只有当 检查 选项被选中.)

Next, you will need to ensure that the payment is applied to the right invoices. 如果它涵盖了全部到期金额, there will be a check mark in every row in the first column of the table. If not, QuickBooks will use the money received to pay off the oldest invoices first. 要更改此设置,请单击 Un-Apply付款 in the icon bar and click in front of the correct rows to create checkmarks.


Next, you will then want to tell QuickBooks what payment method the customer is using. 系统显示四个选项:

    现金 检查
  • CREDIT DEBIT (A specific card type may be shown here if you've indicated the customer's preferred payment method in his or her record.)
  • e-检查

If the desired payment method isn't included in those four, click the down arrow under 更多的. 如果还没有,点击 添加新的付款方式. 此窗口将打开:

图2: 新的付款方式 窗口

点击 OK. When you choose your new payment method from the list, a 窗口 opens containing fields for the card number and expiration date. 点击 完成 after you've entered it, and you'll be returned to the 收到付款 屏幕. 如果你对你的工作感到满意,点击 保存 & 关闭 or 保存 & 新.

Haven't gotten set up to accept credit and debit cards yet? We can get you going with a merchant account to make this possible. You're likely to find that some customers pay faster with this option. Your customers will be able to click a link in an emailed invoice and make their payments.


Depending on the type of business you have and its physical location, there may be times when customers will come in and buy something on the spot. 你需要给他们一个 销售收据. 点击 创建销售收据 在手机赌博软件或打开 客户 菜单和选择 输入销售收据 要打开此窗口:

图3: 输入销售收据 窗口

Complete this form much like you entered data in the fields of the 收到付款 窗口. Then you can print the mail for the customer and/or email it.

After all the hard work you've done to make your sales, the last thing you want to do is record a payment incorrectly so it isn't processed and you don't get paid. Though QuickBooks makes the mechanics of receiving payments simple enough, you still should understand the entire process involved in getting income into the correct accounts. If you need assistance with this or any other areas of QuickBooks, just call.

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