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QuickBooks Tips > Advanced Features > 如何消除支付账单的痛苦



Some of the financial 水晶球预测告诉我们有迹象表明经济衰退 也许正在咽下最后一口气. But those bills are still 一进来,你的夏天可能又长又干,收入也少了 你可以用来履行那些商业义务.

The desktop versions of QuickBooks can help. They can't magically make more money 出现在你的保险箱里,但它们可以帮助你管理你的账单 你总是知道接下来会发生什么,而不知道 get any nasty surprises. 这让你和你的供应商都满意, 并尽量减少对您的信用报告产生不利影响的机会. 你也可以通过高度意识到每件事的时间来最大化现金流 账单到期了,并安排好时间.

(These bill-paying 在所有QuickBooks版本以上的简单开始工具可用.)

Enter First, Then Pay

Of course, you can 模仿你的旧手动方法支付账单,只需使用 QuickBooks' check-writing convention. But if you do this, you risk paying the bill twice. If you follow the process shown in Figure 1 通过进入,然后付款,您将确保 你要把费用记在发生的同一时期.

To start, click the 输入账单或供应商/输入账单图标. The Enter Bills dialog box opens as shown in Figure 2. If you received a bill, be sure 右上方的那个框被选中了,还有比尔收音机 button is filled in.

Figure 1: You'll 在QuickBooks的图形流程图中找到这些图标.

Figure 2: The Enter Bills dialog box.

Next, click the arrow 以选择现有的供应商或添加新的供应商 vendor. 如有必要,更改日期,并输入参考编号 (this may avoid confusion later). Then, enter the amount due.

When you initially set 对于供应商,您要么为每个供应商设置条款,要么接受 default. 所以Terms字段应该已经填好了,并且会 generate the correct bill due date. Enter a descriptive memo in that field if you'd like.

Tip: Use the 输入账单时右键菜单查看更多选项.

Since this was an 费用,你要这样记录. Make sure the 突出显示“费用”选项卡,并在“帐户”字段中单击. Click 箭头显示下拉列表,并选择 appropriate expense type. 在行上填写字段的其余部分, 如果你可以的话,一定要勾选可计费框 bill back to a customer. If the expense needs to be split into 单独分类,创建一个新的行和金额. Your bill now looks something like Figure 3.

Click the Items tab and 如果您的费用涉及产品,请填写这里的字段. You must have Inventory turned on to do this. Click Save & Close or Save & New. QuickBooks现在在后台工作,增加帐户 付款,并将账单放入几个报告中.

Figure 3: Make sure 您完成的账单输入屏幕是尽可能完整的.

Paying Your Debts

When it's time to 支付,点击支付账单图标,或点击供应商/支付账单. You'll see a screen similar to Figure 4. Check the radio 按钮旁边的正确的首选项,以查看所有账单,或限制 在某一特定日期或之前的名单. Put a check mark next to the bill(s) you want to pay. The correct amount should fill in by 默认值,但您可以将其更改为部分付款.

If you want to view the 账单,打折,或者使用积分,点击这些按钮. Select 付款日期,付款方式(支票或信用卡),并切换到 correct account if it's not showing.

Figure 4: The Pay Bills dialog box. Make sit easy to finish the job.

Once you've paid 账单,你的应付账款和支票簿余额减少,并且 更新供应商余额和报告. QuickBooks stamps a PAID 在钞票上加水印,以免日后混淆.

Tip: To find bills 如果您已经付款,请到供应商中心.

So stop stacking your 账单放在旧纺锤上,每天都在翻阅 what's due. 你会发现有很多好处 使用QuickBooks的账单支付功能,比如改进的 信用评级,没有逾期通知,以及更好的现金流.

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