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QuickBooks Tips > Advanced Features > What Are Payroll Items in QuickBooks?

What Are Payroll Items in QuickBooks?

您是否考虑在QuickBooks中处理自己的工资单? 无论你是从一个工资单服务公司转过来还是准备给你的第一个员工发工资, 您正在承担一组复杂的任务,这些任务需要大量的设置和绝对的精度. 但回报是完全控制你的薪酬记录和交易, 还能随时查看你的工资数据.

如果你没有处理薪水的经验, deductions, and payroll taxes, 我们强烈建议你在开始工作前给办公室打个电话. 而QuickBooks简化了设置和运行工资单的实际机制, there's still a lot you need to know.

不用说,准确性在这里是至关重要的. 你要为员工的生计负责,并维护他们所获得的任何福利. Federal, state and local taxing agencies will count on you to submit the proper payroll taxes and filings on time; failure to do so can result in stiff penalties and worse.

A Look Around Payroll Items

也就是说,这里是QuickBooks的一个简短预览 Payroll Items work. 首先,确保工资单已经打开. Next, open the Edit menu and click Preferences, then click Payroll & Employees | Company Preferences.

Figure 1: The Company Preferences screen in Payroll & Employees Preferences

Under QUICKBOOKS PAYROLL FEATURES, make sure the button in front of Full Payroll is filled in by clicking on it. 如果你对Intuit的在线工资服务感兴趣, someone can tell you about that, 以及这里显示的其他选项的建议.

这个会计元素非常复杂,QuickBooks有一个单独的设置工具来指导你完成你需要提供的无数细节. You find this tool by going to Employees | Payroll Setup. This is a multi-screen, 类似向导的工具,引导您完成提供有关员工的信息的过程, compensation, benefits and other additions/deductions, and taxes. Each page poses questions, 您可以通过输入数据和从下拉列表中选择选项来提供答案. In doing so, you're creating Payroll Items.

这是一个费时费力的过程, 它会让你手忙脚乱地处理构成工资系统的所有细节. 一旦你建立了你的工资框架, though, as we said earlier, 所有东西都放在一个地方,很容易拿到.

A Useful List

The information you entered in Payroll Setup 是否可能发生变化并需要修改. 也许您在向导中工作时忘记说明了一些事情, 或者你只是想查一下工资单数据. To do any of these, open the Lists menu and click on Payroll Item List.

图2:您可以从底部访问此菜单 Payroll Item List screen.

打开的窗口包含一个列表 Payroll Items you created. 它看起来像一个支票簿,每一项都有一行. 你可以看到,例如,它 Type, any Limit imposed, the Payable To name, and Tax Tracking designations. 在这个列表的底部,你会看到三个下拉菜单: Payroll Item, Activities, and Reports. 当你点击旁边的向下箭头 Payroll Item 您将看到上图中显示的菜单.

警告:此菜单中有许多选项可以进行更改 Payroll Item definitions. QuickBooks允许您这样做,但在这里要小心. 如果涉及到您不熟悉的操作,请致电办公室寻求帮助.

This is fairly self-explanatory. To Edit or Delete a Payroll Item or make it Inactive,在列表中突出显示它,然后单击正确的选项. You can also Customize Columns 并执行其他相关任务. When you click on New Item and select EZ Setup on the next page, this window opens:

Figure 3: You can add Payroll Items 通过您的方式通过这个向导式的屏幕进程.

QuickBooks将通过提问和建立一个 Payroll Item based on your responses.

关于工作还有很多需要了解的 Payroll Items and assigning them to employees. 当您准备开始在QuickBooks中处理工资单时, 不要犹豫,打电话给办公室寻求帮助!

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