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All about Sales Receipts in QuickBooks

你知道为你和你的雇员的开支取得收据是多么重要. You need to record them, analyze their impact on your cash flow, and claim some of them on your income taxes.

您的客户也希望收到表单,记录他们从您那里购买的东西. 当他们为你的商品或服务立即付款时, you'll give them a sales receipt, 而不是为将来的汇款开具发票. 你的客户不仅会有交易记录?? you will, too.

QuickBooks支持创建和跟踪销售收据. 它非常好地管理了这项重要任务的机制,并且消除了两次输入收据数据的需要, 一次是给你的客户,一次是在你的会计系统中. 这个QuickBooks功能不仅可以最大限度地减少错误, 但节省了时间,减少了以后发生纠纷的可能性.

A Simple Form

这里有一个例子,说明了在开始输入实时数据之前真正学习和理解QuickBooks的重要性. 假设你在现场收到了一张客户的支票,是你完成了一项房屋粉刷工作. When you look at QuickBooksâ?? home page, which icon do you click?

You might be tempted to click Receive Payments, since that's exactly what you are doing. 但这个屏幕是为收入预留的,以满足未付发票和账单上的未付项目. Instead, you would click Create Sales Receipts to open the Enter Sales Receipts window. Here's a partial view of what you would see:

图1:当客户为商品或服务立即付款时, you need to open and complete the Enter Sales Receipts window.

如果您已经在QuickBooks中输入了客户和项目/服务记录, you can record your sale very quickly here. 即使您没有这样做,或者如果您需要动态地创建一个新记录,您也可以选择 的下拉选项列表 Customer:Job and Item fields.

Warning: 你需要跟踪你销售的产品的库存水平吗? 你是否为这些项目做了详细的记录? QuickBooks需要一些信息来帮助确保您不会缺货或手头有太多库存. 让我们带您了解该软件的库存管理工具,以便您可以利用它们提供的所有好处.

一旦你选择了合适的客户, Class (if you use this feature), and Template (Here again, 您是否理解您可以使用QuickBooks提供的默认销售收据表单或自定义它? We can help here), make sure that the Date and Sale No. are correct.

接下来,单击表示交易支付方式的图标,从 Cash, Check, Credit Card, or eCheck. Click the More button if your method isn't listed there. Here, you can add new options by selecting Add New Payment Method. A small window will open allowing this. 如果您想通过编辑和删除默认方法来进一步修改此列表,例如, 简单地清理和关闭当前的销售收据, and then open the Lists menu, and select Customer & Vendor Profile Lists | Payment Method List. This window will open:

Figure 2: Click the down arrow in the Payment Method 字段,以查看您的修改选项.

Once you have chosen the desired Payment Method (and entered a check number if necessary), 完成销售收据的其余部分,就像填写发票一样, 通过选择正确的产品或服务, the quantity you are selling, and the transaction's tax status. 如果您已经创建了完整的项目记录,QuickBooks将填充其余部分.

When you are done save the sales receipt. 有关交易的信息将可在标准的地方,如 Customer Information screens and various reports.

你的收入是否立即产生(例如.e., 由销售收据证明)或在发票上作为长期付款, 你公司的收入只是现金流等式中的一个元素. 您是否能够创建和解释可以帮助您理解这些复杂计算的报告, like Cash Flow Forecast and Profit & Loss? 您可能会定期运行QuickBooks的一些更基本的销售报告, 但可以考虑聘请QuickBooks专家进行深入分析,以便做出更好的业务决策.

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