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Creating Statement Charges in QuickBooks

根据您的业务类型,您可能有一种首选的向客户计费的方式. 如果他们走进你的商店并出示信用卡或现金,你就创建了销售收据. 如果他们在你的网站下订单,他们可能会收到电子收据. 或者你的安排可能是这样的,你发送发票.

如果你的客户负责支付经常性费用,还有另一种方法特别有用, 比如按月收费的持续服务合同. 您可以直接将这些财务义务输入 statement charges.

As you know, QuickBooks can create statements, summaries of a customer's activity. 这些都是从发票自动生成的, receipts, payments, 以及你在一段时间内记录的其他交易. 但是你知道你可以手动添加费用到报表吗? Here's how it works.

Creating a Statement Charge

Click the Statement Charges icon on the home page or open the Customers menu and select Enter Statement Charges. Your Accounts Receivable register appears. Open the list in the field next to Customer:Job 通过单击向下箭头并选择正确的 Customer:Job.

Warning: 如果该项目将附加到一个特定的工作,而不仅仅是一个客户,他 sure you choose the correct job. QuickBooks maintains a separate register for each.


Change the date if necessary and open the Item list (or click if you haven't created an item record yet). Select the one you want and enter a quantity (Qty) . QuickBooks应该填写利率和描述. The TYPE column will automatically contain STMTCH (statement charge). Click Record when you're done. The next time you create a statement for that Customer:Job, you'll see the transaction you just entered.

Statement Charge Limitations


  • 你不能包括一些会出现在发票上的信息,比如销售税和折扣.
  • 即使你的收费与你为客户工作的时间有关, 下次为客户创建发票时,QuickBooks将不会打开包含该信息的提醒窗口.
  • You'd have to Enter Time 通过创建单个活动或在时间表上输入小时数.
  • You still have to bill the customers.

Billing the Customer

有两种方式向客户收取对账单费用. 当然,您可以只生成包含收费日期的语句。. 下次为手动输入报表费用的客户创建报表时, it will contain them, 还有其他活动,比如发票和付款.

Statements have been covered before, but if you need assistance, 请打电话给QuickBooks专业人员,他们会和你一起检查QuickBooks的功能. 这就意味着,如果你想要经常性的消费,你就必须每个月输入一个账单. Instead, you can treat them as memorized transactions,所以它们会自动进入收银机. 如果你每个月为多个客户提供相同的服务, for example, this would work well.

First, you'll need to create a Group that contains all of those customers. Open the Lists menu and select Memorized Transaction List. Right-click anywhere on that screen and click on New Group. This box will open.

图2:如果您定期为相同的服务向客户收费, like a monthly subscription, 您可以创建一个组并记住交易.

Give your Group a Name and click the button in front of Automate Transaction Entry. Open the list in the field next to How Often and select the billing interval. Choose the Next Date to indicate when this group billing should begin. 如果费用应以有限的基础输入,则输入 Number Remaining. And be sure to fill in the Days In Advance To Enter if that's applicable. Click OK.

接下来,您将分配每月应该向您的组支付账单的客户. Click Statement Charges on the home page again to open your A/R register. 每次选择一个客户,然后右键单击希望每月循环的账单费用, then select Memorize Stmt Charge. 在打开的窗口中,将事务命名为new Name if youâ??D like(这不会影响交易,只会影响它的上市方式). Click on the button in front of Add to Group ,在下拉列表中选择“组名”. Repeat for each customer you want to include.

Keeping Track

如果定期报表是您的主要客户计费方法,则该系统应该可以正常工作. 但如果你在销售时也发送发票和/或收取付款, 你需要记住,你的对账单费用必须定期结算, too. 如果您需要帮助查看您的客户计费程序,以确定您是否明智地使用了QuickBooks的工具?? 或者是否有一些变化可以改善您的收款,请致电.

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