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谁是你的客户? QuickBooks在线可以告诉你

Creating comprehensive, accurate customer profiles in QuickBooks Online takes time. So it’s tempting to enter just the minimum information required to process transactions. But there are numerous benefits to including every possible detail that QuickBooks Online allows, making sure those details are correct. 例如:

  • 你可以进行更深入、更有洞察力的搜索.
  • Your reports can be filtered by more criteria, making them more focused.
  • 你的营销工作可以更有针对性.
  • Your communication with customers will be more informed.


If you have customer files in CSV, Excel, or Google Sheets format, you should be able to 将它们直接导入QuickBooks Online. 点击 销售 然后在工具栏中 客户. In 右上方 corner, click the down arrow next to 新客户 并选择 导入客户.

You can look at a sample file before you import CSV or Excel files. Your file must contain a header title for each column in the top row. 客户名称 is the only required field, so don’t worry if your 数据库没有完全填满.

After you’ve browsed for 并选择ed your data file, click 下一个 打开“映射”页面, where you’ll match the fields in your own file to QuickBooks Online fields, 如下图所示:

谁是你的客户? QuickBooks在线可以告诉你图像1

点击 下一个 再次在表中查看客户数据. 如果看起来正常,单击 进口 将文件导入QuickBooks Online.

You’ll connect directly to Google Sheets to import a customer file.

And you can import your email contacts from Outlook or Gmail after you’ve exported them from those applications as Excel or Google Sheets files.


If you don’t have an existing database of customers (or you don’t want to deal with the import process), you can enter the information manually using QuickBooks Online’s 客户记录模板. 回到 销售|客户 并点击 新客户 in 右上方. A vertical panel slides out from the right side of the page containing 客户数据的标记空白字段.

The only field that’s required to create 和 save a customer record is 客户显示名称. But you’re going to want to complete more fields. If you’re not sure about some things, or you get additional information later, you can 总是回来编辑记录. The icons in 右上方 help you navigate 快速切换到记录的其他部分.

Some of these fields are to be used for information that will appear 自动 on 发票. If you specify, for example, what the customer’s default 主要支付 方法, 条款, 销售表格交付 选项是,它们会自动生成 selected when you create a sales form, though you can change them on the fly.

你不需要填写每一个字段. There are some, though, that must be filled out, such as:

  • 税率,
  • 免税地位,以及
  • 期初余额.


Once you’ve completed 和 saved a record, it will show up in the 客户 列表, 显示为一个表. 这一页的最后一栏 行动 的链接 all the actions you can take related to that customer, like 创建销售收据发送提醒.

点击 anywhere in the row to open the customer’s “homepage.“这包含了 information you just entered plus related QuickBooks Online data that is displayed 自动. You click tabs to see lists of things like the customer’s 交易, 语句客户详细信息,如下图所示. 你可以新建 此页面中的事务也是如此.

谁是你的客户? QuickBooks在线可以告诉你图像2


You may have noticed a line at the bottom of the 姓名和联系方式 部分,内容如下 是子客户. You’ll create sub-customer records if you want to “nest” a “父”客户下的客户或作业. 例如,如果你是一个承包商,你 might want to set up different properties (like “Guest House”) as sub-customers 和 assign billable products 和 services to them. 您可以选择将帐单转到 the parent customer, of course, as pictured in the image below:

谁是你的客户? QuickBooks在线可以告诉你图像3


If you’re conscientious about creating comprehensive customer records, it will be easier to 快速回答客户的问题. 事实上,这几页 will be helpful to you anytime you have to look up customer details. 如前所述, your search results 和 your reports will be more focused 和 insightful because of 您可以应用的过滤器.

联系 the office with questions about customer records or about any other elements of QuickBooks.

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