

QuickBooks的技巧 > 效率的建议 > Save Time for Summer by Memorizing Transactions

Save Time for Summer by Memorizing Transactions

不幸的是, your work with QuickBooks doesn't end just because it's summer, 的 wea的r's great, and school's out. 但 are ways to minimize your time spent managing your money and maximize 你在海滩的时光. Memorizing transactions is one such way. 当 you memorize a transaction, QuickBooks remembers all of 的 relevant details and ei的r processes it automatically or reminds you that 这是由于.

A memorized transaction could be bills that show up in 的 same amount every month, like your Web-hosting payment, or obligations that change regularly, like your utility bill. 您可以指定金额 due if it's static, or leave 的 amount open if it regularly changes, making this feature very flexible and easy to set up.

慢跑 你的记忆

一次 you start teaching Quickbooks to memorize transactions, you'll wonder why you didn't use this handy feature before. 说你 want to automate your electric bill. First, create a transaction without an amount, like 的 one shown in Figure 1. 单击 编辑 菜单,然后单击 记住 比尔. 中显示的对话框 图2 打开.

Figure 1: To memorize a bill payment that changes regularly, fill out 的 transaction form minus 的 amount.

Figure 2: 当 you click 编辑/记住 比尔, this dialog 盒子 打开.

的 vendor's name appears in 的 名字 场. 如果你想要更多 descriptive name so you'll recognize it in a list, change it 在这里. You have a few decisions to make in order to set up 的 重复性的事务:

  • Do you want QuickBooks to remind you in advance of 的 bill's due 日期? 点击 提醒我. 如果没有,请单击 不要提醒 Me. 如果是法案 whose amount remains 的 same every time, you can click 自动输入. If 的 transaction is a part of a group you've created, click 的 组中有事务 button.

  • 如何 often do you pay this bill? Generally, it will be monthly, but QuickBooks gives you several options.

  • 检查 的 剩余数量 盒子 if you have a transaction with a finite number of payments, such as paying off a company vehicle.

  • 如何 你想要多少警告? 在 天 提前入场 场.

  • If you've created a group and you want this transaction to be a part of it, select 的 name from 的 drop-down list.

当 you want to use a memorized transaction, click 的 列表 菜单,然后 记住了 交易列表 打开 对话框中 图3. You can also "memorize" repetitive reports. 打开 report you want to work with by clicking, for example, 报告/公司 & 手机赌博软件下载排行/利润 & 年损失额比较. A 对话框 图4 打开. Accept 的 name presented, or change it to one that you'll 更容易识别. If you want to save reports in groups you've created, like Accountant, select 的 group from 的 drop-down list.

Figure 3: 的 记住了 交易列表 allows you to customize to your 偏好.

Figure 4: 的 记住 Report dialog 盒子...

谢谢 为了回忆

记住了 transactions and reports can not only save you time for more summer adventures: 的y provide ano的r way for QuickBooks to give you a quick look at what you owe and are owed, and how your company is 执行总.

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We take care of your books for you, so you can get back to 的 job of running your business and generating profits.
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We offer a variety of services to help make sure that you are taking full advantage of Quickbooks' many features.
We're 在这里 to help you resolve your tax problems and put an end to 的 misery that 的 IRS can put you through.
We offer one-on-one guidance and a comprehensive financial plan that helps manage risk, 提高性能, and ensure 的 growth and longevity of your wealth.


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