

QuickBooks的技巧 > 效率的建议 > Using the 添加/编辑多个列表 条目 Feature

Using the 添加/编辑多个列表 条目 Feature

数据输入 and modifications in QuickBooks can be tedious. 从QuickBooks 2010开始 Pro Edition and above, that job got a lot easier. 的 添加/编辑多个列表 条目 tool does just what its name implies: It lets you add entries to your 列表s of customers, vendors, services, inventory 部分, and non-inventory 部分. It also makes changing one or several of them quick and easy.

使用这个 功能,您可以:

  • 看到 列表数据的自定义视图
  • 输入 缺失的信息
  • 创建新的 entries from duplicates of existing ones
  • 做弥撒 整个列的变化量
  • 复制和 从Excel中粘贴记录

有一个 这个工具的无数应用程序. You could use it, for example, when you're changing Preferred Vendors for a group of items and you don't want to 编辑每个单独的项目记录. Or, when the area code for select customers or 供应商变了. You could use it if you're adding an inventory item that's just slightly different from another, or when your accountant tells you to 修改帐户名称.


得到 开始,请点击 列表s | 添加/编辑多个列表 条目. 在屏幕上 that opens, 点击 旁边的箭头 列表 框,并选择类型 你想看的数据,比如 客户. 然后选择您需要的组 想要通过放下来显示 视图 列表下. 单击 定制 列 button. 此窗口打开:

图1:制作 sure your columns are correct and in the right order.

左边的列表代表所有 可能的列标签. To make the 列表 on the right reflect what you want to see in your table, highlight the correct item and use the 添加 or 删除 按钮和 向上移动 or 向下移动 按钮. 当你 满意,单击 OK. 的 table will change to display those columns in 这个顺序.

提示: 你可能 have a lot of empty space between columns. 为了缩小这些差距,把 your cursor on the faint vertical line that separates two column names. A 将出现十字形符号. Drag it left or right until the columns are 定位好.

假设 that a customer commissions a new job. Since so much information will remain the same as in previous jobs, you can duplicate her record. 突出最后一个 entry in her 列表 of jobs and right-点击. Select 重复的行. 新 entry will contain her default information, except the name will change to DUP [以前的工作名称]. Change that phrase to the name of the new job and 点击 保存更改 如果你做完了.

图2:它是 easy to duplicate an entry's information.

质量 变化

你可能 occasionally want to make the same change to a subset of records. 比方说一个城市 zip code changed and you want to find the customers affected. 你会打开 客户 列表中,单击 视图 箭头并选择 自定义 过滤器. 然后:

  • 搜索 列表中,从“全部”、“活动”等中选择.
  • box, enter the common attribute, like the zip code.
  • 点击 旁边的箭头 in box, and tell QuickBooks where you want to search (address fields, all common fields, etc.).

图3:你 can search for a group of entries that share a common characteristic.

  • 点击 Go. QuickBooks will display a 列表 of all of the matching entries.
  • 让你的 change to the entry at the top of the 列表, then right-点击 on it. 你会 请看这个菜单:

图4: 抄下来 command 变化 all entries in a column to match the top one.

当你 select 抄下来, all of the entries duplicate the first one in the 列表.


任何你 change in these views, as long as you 点击 保存更改,将会是 reflected throughout QuickBooks, wherever that record appears. 如果你做过 an error, like using a dollar sign, you'll get a message telling you to fix it.

您可以使用添加/编辑 多个列表项 在其他方面. 例如,这是一个很好的方式去看 你的记录保存得多么彻底啊. Take a look at your 列表s occasionally to 现场缺失数据. Or say you were at a trade show and signed up new customers, but you didn't have QuickBooks on your laptop so you entered them in Excel. 一次 you've made sure that your column names and order in Excel match those displayed in 添加/编辑多个列表 条目, you can just copy and paste the 新客户.

这个特性 使用方便,但要谨慎. We can help with complex modifications. 添加/编辑多个列表 条目 is one of the ten best features QuickBooks has 近年成立的公司. It's an easy way to get a birds' eye view of your 列表,以及一个非常节省时间的工具.

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