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QuickBooks Tips

QuickBooks Tips > Efficiency Tips > 便携式生产力:智能手机做发票,费用,时间计费


Accounting in the cloud is closer than you might think. In fact, it's here, in some cases. QuickBooks Online, of course, is entirely cloud-based, 但它还没有提供Intuit顶级产品的所有功能, Premier and Enterprise.

In the meantime, Intuit itself, as well as third-party developers, 有没有开发在线应用程序来填补一些空白. 这些附加解决方案存在于网站上, 但它们可以收集数据并与桌面QuickBooks同步. 你桌上的iPhone或Android也可以.

Many Mobile Applications

To find these apps, go to the Intuit App Center and click on All Apps. There are dozens of them, 按类别安排(开票和发票), Customer Management, Inventory Management, Apps by Intuit, etc.).

你的第一站应该是Intuit QuickBooks Connect (this is the name of the online application that you'd use on a remote PC or laptop; the name of the smartphone app is QuickBooks Mobile). 这个应用程序可以让你轻松访问你的客户和销售数据,当你离开你的办公室.

Figure 1: QuickBooks Mobile, 如图所示为Android操作系统, 为您提供销售工具,当您离开桌面QuickBooks.

Remote Sales Tools

无论你是在基于网络的QuickBooks Connect还是在智能手机上工作, 您的数据和交易选项是相似的. QuickBooks Connect还有其他一些功能,比如项目列表和客户中心,但它们都允许你:

  • Access multiple company files
  • View, add, and edit customers, estimates, invoices, and sales receipts, 使用QuickBooks的自定义模板
  • E-mail these forms to customers

QuickBooks移动和QuickBooks连接使用Intuit同步管理器-位于QuickBooks安装的桌面-保持数据无处不在. 那台电脑必须在运行,才能进行同步.

图2:您可以从QuickBooks Mobile创建发票并通过电子邮件发送发票.

Manage Travel Expenses

Concur Breeze 抓取你需要的数据(客户、员工、工作等).)来记录路上的开支. 你可以直接在表格中输入费用,或者用手机拍张照片——它会附在你的报销单上. 然后将这些费用发送到完整记录费用的报告模板, 允许您指定诸如旅行目的之类的变量, travel policy type, project and client. 您的审批和付款情况也包含在这里.

您可以从免费的TripIt Pro帐户和信用卡费用中直接发送旅行行程到现有的费用报告中,以加快流程. 一旦费用报告被批准, 资金可以自动从指定的公司银行账户转入员工账户. $8 per month per user; free 30-day trial.

图3:Concur Breeze提供移动费用管理.

Mobile Time-Tracking

如果你的公司有员工或承包商远程工作,并提交工作时间以供批准, consider eBillity时间跟踪器为Intuit QuickBooks. After it pulls in customers, service items, and employees from QuickBooks, 你可以邀请员工在他们的智能手机上跟踪他们的时间,要么手动输入,要么使用计时器, 然后与在线应用程序同步.

Mobile workers can use the application in offline mode; entries are uploaded when they reconnect. 起始价格为10美元/月的管理员和一个用户.

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