

QuickBooks的技巧 > 效率的建议 > 备份或便携式公司文件? 如何决定

备份或便携式公司文件? 如何决定

你想想看, it's pretty amazing that Intuit is able to pack the lion's share of your financial data into one giant company file. Certainly makes it easier to separate from QuickBooks and move 当 necessary.

的re are actually three options for saving and relocating that file. You know about backups, since you should be producing them religiously. You generate them so that if QuickBooks -- or your computer itself --- stops working or your file becomes corrupt, you can re-create the entire environment. 便携式公司文件 更有局限性, and are best used 当 you want to save your file to a temporary location and/or email it to someone else.

你只会用an 会计的副本, of course, 当 you want us to check your progress. 我们会和你一起准备的.

Figure 1: Once you save and send off an 会计的副本, you can't work on transactions created before the 把日期.


我们再怎么强调也不为过: Losing your financial data can be the beginning of the end of your company. You won't know what you're owed, so you'll be unable to collect. 你将错过供应商付款. Payroll will be impossible to reconstruct, and you won't be able to submit payroll taxes. And how will you know what your income tax obligation is?


QuickBooks简化了这个过程. 点击 文件|创建备份 You'll be asked whether you want to back up locally -- to a network folder or thumb drive, 比如——或者到云端, 使用 Intuit数据保护 (费用). If you select the local preference, click on 选项 指定此窗口中的一个位置:

Figure 2: Choose from options in this window to create a backup profile.

点击 OK,然后 下一个. QuickBooks会问 you want to save your backup copy and offer scheduling options. 当你完成后,点击 完成.

Warning: If you're 使用 Intuit Sync Manager, there are special rules about copying the company file. 让我们帮你安全地处理这件事.


便携式公司文件 are more compact than backup files, so they can be easily e-mailed as attachments or copied onto another computer. But they don't contain everything that backups do. 的y lack, for example, letters, logos, attachments, images and templates. Don't use this option if changes will be made, since they can't be merged back into the file.

Be sure to create a current backup before you begin to move your file.

To save a portable company file, click on 文件|创建副本 (you can do this to copy any kind of file, actually). 此窗口打开:

图3:单击 文件|创建副本 to access any of QuickBooks' three options.

Select 便携式公司档案 然后点击 下一个 button. In the following window, you'll browse to a location for your file. QuickBooks will already have entered the name and will save your data in .qbm 格式. 点击 保存,然后 OK 当 QuickBooks tells you it must close and reopen your file first. 点击 OK again 当 you're told that the file has been created.


When you're ready to open the file at another location, click 文件|打开或恢复公司 在打开的窗口中,选择 恢复可移植文件. 的 打开便携式公司档案 window opens; make sure that the file's location is displayed in the Look in: field. 点击 开放. QuickBooks then asks where you want to restore the file.

下面的步骤非常关键. Rename your file unless you want to overwrite your current company file. You can add a date or some other identifying in格式ion like a version number.

点击 保存. QuickBooks will convert your portable file to a standard company file with a .qbw 扩展.

QuickBooks makes it easy to create copies of your data, but an error here can threaten your company's future. We can help ensure that that doesn't happen.

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Select which services you are interested in:
我们替你保管你的书, so you can get back to the job of running your business and generating profits.
We offer payroll solutions that meet your business's needs and enable you to spend time doing what you do best--running your company.
We offer a variety of services to help make sure that you are taking full advantage of Quickbooks' many features.
We're here to help you resolve your tax problems and put an end to the misery that the IRS can put you through.
We offer one-on-one guidance and a comprehensive financial plan that helps manage risk, 提高性能, and ensure the growth and longevity of your wealth.


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