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虽然在纸质存款单上手动输入所有这些客户付款可能令人满意, it can also be tedious and time-consuming. 你在事业上越成功,所花费的时间和精力就越多.

Whether you accept cash, checks, or credit/debit cards, QuickBooks有一些工具可以帮助你简化将资金转移到实体银行账户的过程. 事实上,当你输入付款时,你的部分工作就完成了 Receive Payments or Sales Receipt screens.

An Important Decision

在QuickBooks中记录付款时,可以通过两种方式之一进行输入. 如果您不确定哪一个最适合您的业务,请询问我们. Payments can be deposited:

  • In a specific bank account. QuickBooks允许您为每笔交易指定一个单独的帐户. If you select this option, a box labeled DEPOSIT TO will appear on the Sales Receipt and Receive Payment screens. 从下拉列表中选择一个帐户,您的付款将自动存入该帐户.

  • 图1:您可以选择将客户付款存入特定的帐户.

  • In Undeposited Funds. 这是一个资产帐户,可以持有多个付款,但它们不会自动存入.

如果你决定把所有的付款都寄到 Undeposited Funds 帐户,您可以将其设置为默认值. Open the Edit menu and select 偏好|支付|公司偏好. Then make sure that the box in front of 使用未存入资金作为帐户的默认存款 is checked.

图2:如果您希望将付款发送到 Undeposited Funds asset account. You will make the actual deposits later. If this box is not checked, a DEPOSIT TO field will appear on the Sales Receipt and Receive Payments screens.

Other Deposits

如果你收到的钱既不是你发送的发票上的付款,也不是你立即收到的物品或服务的付款,那该怎么办? 在很多情况下都可能出现这种情况,包括:

  • Vendor refunds, rebates, etc.,
  • 未经请求的捐款[为非营利组织],或
  • An owner's investment in the business.

要记录这些流入的资金,打开 Banking menu and select Make Deposits to open the Payments to Deposit window. Click OK to skip to the Make Deposits window.

Complete the Deposit To, Date, and Memo 字段,然后单击它们下面的表(如果尚未使用) Tab key to get there. 使用下拉列表选择(或添加)提交付款的个人或公司, the account where it should be tracked, the payment method, and the amount. 输入任何需要的附加信息,填写可选项 Cash back goes to fields, and then save the transaction.

Note: While you are working in the Make Deposits window, 您可以在任何时候单击Payments按钮打开一个新窗口,其中包含需要存入的客户付款,如果您想同时处理它们的话.

You may also want to use the Attach 用于存储相关文件的杂项付款工具.

Depositing Undeposited Funds

You should process your Undeposited Funds 定期的,每天,每隔几天,或每周,这取决于你的银行需求. To do this, go to Banking | Make Deposits.

图3:您可以在中查看所有未处理的支付 Undeposited Funds 在单个列表中,也可以按类型显示它们.

The Payments to Deposit 窗口将打开,如果您有未决付款在您的 Undeposited Funds account. 在您想要存入的所有款项前打个勾号,通过点击左侧的栏 DATE column.

Click OK, and the Make Deposits 窗口将打开,显示您刚刚选择的付款. As we instructed previously, 选择您想存入的账户和日期, add a memo, and request cash back if desired. Save your work when you are finished.

这些是您将采取的步骤,以存入现金和支票付款. 如果你打算开一个商户账户,这样你就可以接受借记卡和信用卡, the process is similar, 但是你必须采取额外的步骤来确保你的账目平衡.

我们可以给您指点门道,并回答您关于存款付款的任何其他问题. 你努力工作赚钱,所以一定要在你的银行账户上看到钱.

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