

QuickBooks的技巧 > 效率的建议 > QuickBooks如何帮助您加快应收账款


你达到了销售目标. 保持库存平衡. 确保每个计费小时都有发票. 利用供应商折扣. Basically, doing everything in your power to keep cash flow humming.

But you can't control how quickly your customers pay you.


  • Make it easier for customers to remit their payments,
  • 提醒客户未付余额
  • 密切关注未付的发票.

Figure 1: QuickBooks lets you accept payments from customers in multiple forms. Accepting credit cards 和 e-checks is 就像ly to speed up your receivables.


You can, of course, offer customers a discount for paying early. 这在某些情况下可能有效. But accepting credit cards 和 e-checks is 就像ly to be more effective. It also has other positive impacts on your business, including:

更专业的形象. What do you think when you purchase goods or services from a business that doesn't accept credit cards? 在2015年,这是不寻常的. 这可能会让顾客想知道为什么. And you work too hard to preserve your reputation to give anyone reason to question your st和ing.

为你节省时间. How much time do you spend logging checks 和 running to the bank with deposits? It's must faster to simply record a credit card payment.

为客户提供方便和善意. Your customers will appreciate the time that they'll save, which translates to a feather in your cap.

There are extra costs associated with setting up what's called a "merchant account." And you'll have to learn how to set up an account 和 process payments. 但一旦你这么做了, you'll be able to invoice customers in QuickBooks 和 let them pay immediately by credit card. If you ever have occasion to accept payments out of the office, you'll be able to use your smartphone or tablet to accept them.

We'd 就像 to see you take this positive step for your business, so let us know when you're ready. 我们将帮助进行设置和实现.


Figure 2: You have a lot of options to choose from when you create statements in QuickBooks.

This may be an area of QuickBooks you've never explored. 语句 are just what they sound 就像: detailed summaries of what each customer owes over a period of time that you email or print 和 send by U.S. 邮件.

QuickBooks使这非常容易. 首先单击 语句 图标,或通过打开 客户 菜单和选择 创建语句. The window above appears, laying out the three steps required:

  • 选择语句选项. 确保 声明日期 是正确的. Then indicate whether you want your statements to include transactions within a specified date range or all transactions are past due by more than a specified number of days.
  • 选择客户. You can generate statements for one customer, all customers, or a designated group in between.
  • 选择其他选项. You'll have several decisions to make here about your statements' content 和 appearance. Let us know if you have questions about any of these.


图3:创建 开的发票 报告,确保 老化开放的平衡 列将显示.

作为一个小企业主和/或经理, there are certain QuickBooks reports that you should be looking at frequently. 其中一个, 开的发票, gives you an instant status update on your outst和ing receivables. But it's important that you set up the report to give you the exact information you need.

打开 报告 菜单和选择 客户 & 应收账款|开票. If you need to change the date range, click the down arrow to the right of the 日期 field in the upper left to display your options 和 choose 和 then click 自定义报告 上面. 上图中的窗户打开了. 抓住下面的滚动条 向下移动,直到你看到 老化开放的平衡. If there are no check marks in front of them, click in the column to create them.

There are other reports you'll want to look at regularly as you try to accelerate incoming customer payments, 就像 账龄汇总A/R老化明细. 如果我们还没和你一起写报告的话, creating 和 analyzing the critical financial reports that we should be generating monthly or quarterly, 我们约个时间见面吧.

Call the office today if your copy of QuickBooks needs a tune-up at the same time to ensure that you can keep accepting those payments accurately.

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我们替你保管你的书, so you can get back to the job of running your business 和 generating profits.
We offer payroll solutions that meet your business's needs 和 enable you to spend time doing what you do best--running your company.
We offer a variety of services to help make sure that you are taking full advantage of Quickbooks' many features.
We're here to help you resolve your tax problems 和 put an end to the misery that the IRS can put you through.
We offer one-on-one guidance 和 a comprehensive financial plan that helps manage risk, 提高性能, 确保你的财富长盛不衰.


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