

QuickBooks的技巧 > 效率的建议 > 在QuickBooks中跟踪时间,第2部分


Last month, we learned about getting QuickBooks ready for time-tracking by activating it in 首选项 并为服务项创建记录. 这个月, the focus is on using that record in the two different ways you will be using it in QuickBooks: to pay employees for their hourly work and to bill customers for services.


的re are two ways to enter hours for your employees who provide services to customers and are paid by the hour. 的 first is to create a work ticket for a single activity. 点击 输入时间 在主页上,然后 时间/输入单一活动 要打开此窗口:

Figure 1: Single-activity work tickets for employee hours are especially useful if you need to set a timer.

First, check the date to make sure it displays the day when the work was actually 完成,未记录. 单击字段中的箭头 名字 and select the employee's name 从下拉列表中 that opens, then do the same in the 顾客:工作 下面的字段. 的 服务项目 field needs to display the name of the service performed by the employee.

If you want to time a period of activity, use the 启动、停止, 暂停 按钮下 持续时间. 也可以替换 0:00 that appears by default with the number of hours and minutes that were worked.

在中间的列中,选择正确的 工资项目 从下拉列表中. 你可以 add a new employee if necessary without completing his or her entire record, but be sure to go back and complete it before your next payroll.

Hidden behind the drop-down menu is a field titled WC代码,代表的是 《手机赌博软件》. It will only appear if you are using QuickBooks Enhanced Payroll and have that feature turned on.

Tip: If these two fields do not appear, you have selected an employee who is not timesheet-based.

In the upper right hand corner, you will see a field labeled 计费. Be sure you click in the box to create a checkmark if you will be invoicing a customer for the work 完成.

Save the activity record when you have completed it.


Figure 2: 你可以 enter employees' hours directly on a timesheet instead of creating a single activity record.

QuickBooks offers a second option for entering employee hours: timesheets. 你会注意到这里有一个 时间表 工具栏中的图标 时间/输入单一活动 窗口. 如果您点击它并打开已完成的记录, a new 窗口 opens containing a graphical representation of a paper timesheet.

If you enter employee hours in a single activity record, 它们将出现在时间表上, 反之亦然. 的re are two advantages to entering hours directly on the timesheet, though. 首先,它更快. 第二,你可以点击 复制最后一页 icon if you are just going to duplicate an employee's previous pay period's hours. If you want to go there straight from the home page, click 输入时间|使用每周时间表.


QuickBooks makes it easy to transfer billable hours worked by employees to the corresponding customers' invoices. After you have entered blocks of time spent on services, 打开发票表单并选择客户. 此窗口将打开:

Figure 3: Once you've entered billable hours worked by an employee, simply open an invoice form and select that customer to open this 窗口.

默认情况下, Select the outstanding billable time and costs to add to this invoice? 检查. 当你点击 OK, a new 窗口 opens displaying a grid that contains all of that customer's billable time. 你可以 选择所有 or click in front of each entry you want to include. You will notice here that there are also tabs on the grid for 费用、里程, 项目 这可以算回给顾客.

If you choose not to carry billable hours over to the invoice at the present time, 你可以通过点击添加它们 添加时间/成本 在发票的工具栏中.

问题? One of our QuickBooks experts is always available to help ensure that you are billing customers for all costs they incur--and to talk about any other element of accounting that affects your cash flow.

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