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Get Paid Faster in 2023: Use These QuickBooks Tools

你有机会分析一下2022年你的现金流表现吗? 如果没有,你可能会被一大堆年终任务缠住. 但一旦假期结束,你把日历翻到2023年, 是时候开始考虑如何加快明年的应收账款了.

你可能已经尝试过鼓励你的客户更快地付款. 但是你真的探索了QuickBooks提供的所有方法来了解和改善你的现金流吗? 快速了解你做得如何的一个方法是看看你的 Payments Snapshot. Click Snapshots in the toolbar, then click the Payments tab. Look at the Invoice Payment Status chart and the List of Customers Who Owe Money. Run the A/R Aging report.

How are you doing right now? If the answer is not as good as you'd like, 那么也许是时候制定计划,在2023年改善你的现金流了. 以下是QuickBooks可以帮助你更快获得报酬的四种方法:

1. Send statements to past-due customers.

也许可以在发票上附上客户信息,比如“谢谢您的订单! 我们很感激你的及时付款”,这会对他们有一点影响. 但如果你已经寄出了一两张发票,但仍然没有收到一些客户的回复,那就考虑寄出吧 Statements in QuickBooks.

您可能会在两种情况下向客户发送对账单. 有时,他们只是想要一个特定日期范围内的发票和付款记录. 但他们也可以有效地提醒客户,他们仍然欠你钱.

 图1 -您可以指示应该在QuickBooks中向哪一组客户发送报表.

Open the Customers menu and select Create Statements . Verify the Statement Date and choose between your two options. 您可以创建包含给定期间内所有交易(发票和付款)的报表,也可以仅为已逾期超过X天的未结算交易的客户创建报表. 在下一个框中,选择应该接收报表的客户组. 右边的面板(不在图中)包含更多选项. When you're done, you can Preview, Print , and/or E-mail the statements.

提示:您知道您可以自动分发报表吗? Please call for help setting this up.

2. 尽可能做好你的发票,并及时发出去.

如果你还没有探索过QuickBooks的定制发票的选项,现在是时候这么做了. Open the Lists menu and select Templates . Double-click on a form whose Type is Invoice . Click Manage Templates and click on one to highlight it. You'll see the template in the right pane. Click Copy 并给它一个新名称(这样就不会覆盖原来的名称) Template Name field. Click OK to open the Basic Customization window, where you can customize the template.

当您进行更改时,它们将反映在模板映像中. Click Additional Customization for more fine-tuning. Click OK 完成后,将新模板添加到可用列表中. Please contact the office if you have any questions.

3. When payments go past due, assess finance charges.

你可能不喜欢这样做,但这可能是获得某些客户注意的唯一方法. QuickBooks allows the Admin to create finance charge invoices. Open the Edit menu and select Preferences. Click Finance Charges and then the Company Preferences tab to open the window pictures below. Complete the fields and click OK.

警告:一些司法管辖区不允许您对逾期的财务费用收取财务费用. 在勾选之前,请确保您了解当地法律.

 图2 -这些是评估财务费用时的选项.

要查看谁应该为财务费用开具发票,请打开 Customers menu and select Assess Finance Charges. Change the Assessment Date 如果需要,则在一个表中打开拖欠客户的列表,以及他们的客户 Overdue Balance and Finance Charge. 单击要收费的每个客户的第一列,创建一个复选标记,然后单击 Assess Charges. QuickBooks将为财务费用创建单独的发票. 如果在表中未选中客户行,则不会生成发票, you can include the charges on the next statement.


4. 让您的客户通过信用卡或银行转账(ACH)在线支付.

Enough said. This is the best way to get your customers to pay faster. Call if you need help getting set up with QuickBooks Payments.

Make "Improve Cash Flow" a goal for 2023.

With the start of the new year, 在你的职业和个人生活中,你可能要应付很多义务, 但是试着花点时间考虑一下这些建议——或者在本月晚些时候再来看看这个专栏. If you need help, don't hesitate to call.

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