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Customize Reports, Make Better Business Decisions

Do you remember why you started using QuickBooks? 您可能只是想以电子方式生成销售表格和记录付款. Gradually, you expanded your use of the software, 也许可以通过它来支付和跟踪账单,并密切关注你的库存水平. Certainly, 您至少运行过QuickBooks所有版本从一开始就提供的一些预构建报表模板.

QuickBooks对日常记账任务的自动化无疑为您提供了良好的服务. But that's merely limited use; now it's time to take advantage of QuickBooks' greatest strength: customizable reports.

勤奋地输入所有会计信息的回报之一是更好地掌握公司迄今为止的财务业绩. 这种洞察力最终会带来更好的商业决策,有助于你未来的成长和成功.

图1:QuickBooks的报表中心可以帮助您了解每个报表的设计目的. But smart customization requires deeper insight.

Making Reports Meaningful

与QuickBooks中的许多其他任务一样,报表自定义工具并不难掌握. What's challenging is:

  • Understanding what each report is designed to tell you
  • 确定哪些报告与您的业务信息需求最相关,以及
  • 设计每一个,以产生关键的洞察力,你需要为了前进.

The first of these is fairly clear. You can understand what many reports do by their titles, their content, and the descriptions QuickBooks offers. 我们建议您花一些时间查看QuickBooks中的报表中心,以熟悉您的选项.

The second two challenges are a bit more formidable. 我们的工作是帮助您在QuickBooks中建立一个工作流程,以保持准确的记录并产生必要的交易. But we want you to do more than just maintain the status quo. 当你分析和解释你的报告告诉你的时候, you can make smart business decisions.

So if we haven't gone over this with you already, 我们鼓励您与我们一起安排一些时间,以便您可以从QuickBooks报告中获得最大的收益.

图2:当您打开报表时,您不会错过QuickBooks的定制链接. 但诀窍是知道如何最好地为你的业务使用它的选项.

A Simple Set of Steps

让我们看一下您可能已经生成的报表:销售额按客户详细信息(报表|销售额|销售额按客户详细信息). QuickBooks在其报表中提供了一组常用的默认列. 这个特殊的报表包含像“类型”(发票、销售收据等)这样的列标签.), Item and Quantity, and Sales Price. 您可以轻松地更改工具栏下方默认提供的日期范围. 但要使用QuickBooks强大的自定义工具,请单击“自定义报表”. A window with four tabs opens. They are: Display. 此窗口中的选项可帮助您指定要在报告中显示的列. In the lower left corner, 有一个名为Columns的列表,其中包含该报告的所有可能的列标签. 如果向下滚动,将在默认列前面看到一个复选标记. 单击其中任何一个来取消选中,然后单击您想要添加的任何一个前面. 这里的其他选项包括如何对数据进行汇总和排序. Some reports let you choose between cash and accrual basis. Filters. 这是一个比较困难的问题——也是最能提供洞察力的工具. 过滤器决定您将看到哪些相关数据子集(帐户), items, customer types, zip codes, etc.) by including only those that meet certain conditions. 在这里,我们可以真正帮助您回答关键的业务问题,从而帮助您做出明智的决策.
Figure 3: In this example, 您已经创建了一个过滤器,该过滤器将查找当前财政季度已开具发票的所有商业干墙工作. 您可以进一步缩小该报告的范围,例如,通过类、州和支付状态.

Header/Footer and Fonts & Numbers. You can tailor the design and layout of your reports here.

Well-formulated reports can help you spot cash flow problems, maintain the right inventory levels, see which jobs are the most profitable, and compare your estimates to actual costs. You'll also be able to identify your best customers, your most sought-after items, and your most successful sales reps. 仔细定制你的报告,并彻底分析他们的数据,将使你对公司未来方向的问题的答案更加清晰. We can help you take full advantage of these powerful tools.

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