

QuickBooks的技巧 > 设置和自定义提示 > 在QuickBooks中使用报表:基础


发送ing invoices to your customers to bill for products and/or services is probably one of the more enjoyable parts of your job - second only to recording payments received. 和 thanks to the company file you've built in QuickBooks, creating invoices is generally a very simple process that requires no duplicate data entry.

Figure 1: You probably use QuickBooks' invoice forms frequently, so you know how much easier it is to fill them out than to create paper bills.

QuickBooks also includes easy-to-use templates for another kind of customer form: the 声明. These forms are generally not used nearly as frequently as invoices. 然而,如果你满足以下条件,你可能会发现它们更合适:

  • Want to create a form that lists all of a customer's open charges
  • Have a customer who accrues multiple charges before being billed
  • 接受预付款或定期付款
  • Need a historical accounting of a customer's activity, including charges, payments, and balance.


QuickBooks对语句有一些限制. For example if you have a number of related charges for which you want to create a subtotal for, 你必须使用发票. 语句 also cannot include sales tax, percentage discounts, or payment items. Products or services requiring descriptions that run more than a paragraph can't go on a 声明. 定制选项, 太, are limited: you can't add custom fields to the 声明 form, 你也不能给你的客户留言, 就像, “感谢您的光临."


There may be occasions when you want to create a form that lists invoices received, 付款, 以及为一个或多个客户提供的任何积分. This may be necessary when, for example, a customer disputes a charge. You may also want to send out these 声明s to remind customers of delinquent payments.

You do not have to enter any new data for these 声明s. 相反,QuickBooks将拉 现有的 的活动 创建语句 窗口,如下所示. 要到达那里,要么单击 语句 图标,或打开 客户 菜单和选择 创建语句.

图2: 创建语句 window in QuickBooks offers multiple options for defining the 声明s you want to send to customers.

As you can see, QuickBooks offers a lot of flexibility in the creation of 声明s. 您可以指定:

  • 活动日期范围. 下 选择语句选项, you can either enter a date range or request a 声明 for every customer who has open transactions as of the 声明日期 (在继续之前请确保此日期是正确的). You can also ask to include only transactions that are past due by a specified number of days.
  • 要包括的客户. Do you want to use the conditions you just outlined to apply to 所有客户? 如果是,请单击该选项前面的按钮. 如果你选择 多个客户,一个小按钮标有 选择 将会出现. Click on it, and a window displaying your customer list opens. 一个客户 还打开客户列表. If you've assigned types to your customers and want to include only those in one category (就像 Residential or Commercial), 点击 各类客户. 和 首选发送方式 lets you limit your 声明 output to customers who receive either emailed or printed forms.
  • 要使用的模板. Click the down arrow to see the 声明 templates available. If you have not customized QuickBooks' standard form and want to do so, let us help.
  • Whether QuickBooks prepares one 声明 per customer or per job. This is a very important distinction, so choose carefully.
  • 运行语句的其他属性. 点击任何应用前的方框.

如果你评估财务费用,你可以在这里这样做. This is an advanced activity in QuickBooks, and we'd be happy to provide guidance in this area.

当你完成的时候,你可以 预览 你的语句, 打印, or 电子邮件 通过点击这些按钮.


If you need to enter individual charges, you'll have to work with QuickBooks' customer registers. 你可以打开 客户 菜单和选择 输入报表费用 or highlighting a customer in the Customer Center, then 点击ing the down arrow next to 新事务 并选择 声明指控.

图3:A 声明负责 在客户登记簿中.

We highly recommend that you let us help you get started if individual charges are necessary. Like many of QuickBooks' functions, this isn't a difficult activity once you understand it. But it's much easier and economical for you to get upfront guidance than for us to come in and untangle your company file.

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We offer a variety of services to help make sure that you are taking full advantage of Quickbooks' many features.
We're here to help you resolve your tax problems and put an end to the misery that the IRS can put you through.
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