

QuickBooks的技巧 > 设置和自定义提示 > 防止数据盗窃在QuickBooks


Thanks to the internet, privacy has been on the wane over the last few years. We assume that our addresses and phone numbers are public information, 多亏了Switchboard和411这样的网站.com. We 希望 that our dates of birth are private (though the number of birthday wishes on Facebook makes that doubtful), we assume that our Social Security numbers are hard to get.

Your customers trust you enough to provide you with additional private information, 比如信用卡号. And you've seen what an uproar occurs when major corporate entities like Target and 手机赌博软件 Depot get hacked.

Your small business may not have hundreds of thousands of customer information files, but you can still be targeted by external hackers and even your own employees. Are you taking measures to ensure the security of that data stored on your hard drive and/or in the cloud?


的 last thing you want to imagine is that one of your own employees has been tampering with your QuickBooks company data. It happens, though, you need to protect yourself from potential internal attacks.

你们的内部控制系统之一,然后, should include the establishment of boundaries for every employee who has access to QuickBooks. You can restrict each staff member to specific areas of the program instead of sharing a master password and giving everyone free rein. 去 公司|用户与密码设置|用户设置 要做到这一点.

图1:如果您单击 选择性访问 in this window, you can restrict your employees' activities to specific areas and actions.

用户列表 window opens, which will display all users who have been set up already, including you as the 管理. 点击 添加用户 然后输入用户名和密码. 点击前面的方框 将此用户添加到我的QuickBooks许可证中,然后点击 下一个. 点击前面的按钮 QuickBooks的选定区域. 点击 下一个.

的 next 10 screens break QuickBooks down into separate activities and activity areas, like Sales and Accounts Receivable, Checking and Credit Cards, 敏感会计活动. On each screen, click on the button in front of the correct option:

  • 没有访问
  • 完全访问
  • 选择性访问 (lets you specify what areas and actions will be allowed for that employee)


QuickBooks的 审计跟踪 是你的朋友吗. It records everything that is entered or changed in the software, by whom, precisely when. 要查看它,请打开 报告 菜单,然后点击 会计 & 税,然后 审计跟踪. Like all QuickBooks reports, it can be customized to display the entries you need to see.

图2:QuickBooks 审计跟踪 provides a detailed history of all activity in the software.

的re are other reports that you should review frequently, some that we should create and analyze for you at least every quarter, 如果不是每月一次. We can suggest reports that would help you look for fraud, tell you what to look for.


It goes without saying that protecting your entire hardware/software/cloud configuration will help keep your QuickBooks company file safe from external marauders. You must employ state-of-the-art antivirus and anti-malware applications and keep them updated. Talk to us if you need recommendations and/or help implementing them. If you're a sole proprietor or you work from your home, restrict the computer where QuickBooks resides to business software and websites only. Never let anyone install applications, play interactive games, etc. 在它上面. Change your own QuickBooks password at least every 90 days, 并备份到安全驱动器或网站. When you run into problems with QuickBooks的 functioning, please let us help. Even a computer troubleshooting specialist will not understand the program well enough to solve problems, 他或她可能会进一步损害您的数据文件.

As security software and systems get smarter, so do the hackers. Don't let your company and its customers be victims of data theft.

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我们替你保管你的书, so you can get back to the job of running your business and generating profits.
We offer payroll solutions that meet your business's needs and enable you to spend time doing what you do best--running your company.
We offer a variety of services to help make sure that you are taking full advantage of Quickbooks' many features.
We're here to help you resolve your tax problems and put an end to the misery that the IRS can put you through.
We offer one-on-one guidance and a comprehensive financial plan that helps manage risk, 提高性能, 确保你的财富长盛不衰.


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