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QuickBooks Tips > Setup and Customization Tips > 在QuickBooks中发布信用备忘录和退款


QuickBooks非常擅长帮助你从客户那里获得报酬. 它配备了可定制的发票模板,用于计费客户和记录即时销售的销售收据. 它支持在线支付,所以你可以接受借记卡或信用卡和电子支票. 它简化了过程ofÂ记录付款和itÂ提供的报告,让您保持跟踪这一切.

但是,有时您必须向客户付款. QuickBooks提供了允许资金转移的表格:信用备忘录和退款. 你知道什么时候以及如何使用它们吗? Here are the basics:

Credit Memos

A credit memo is just what it sounds like. A customer returns an item for which theyâ??我已经付过钱了,你得把费用记在他/她的账上. 这是两者中较复杂的一种,需要更多的簿记??重新跟踪销售、付款和退货. 您可以通过以下方式处理信用证金额:

  • Retaining the funds in the customer account.
  • Issuing a refund.
  • Applying it to the next open invoice.
图1:当您向客户发出信用备忘时, 你有三种选择退回他们支付的钱.

To create a credit memo, click Refunds & Credits on QuickBooksâ?? 主页或打开客户菜单并选择 Create Credit Memos/Refunds. The Credit Memo window opens. Select the correct Customer:Job. In the line item section of the form, 在“商品”列中选择退回的商品并输入数量. 如果返回了多个项目,则重复该过程,然后单击 Save & Close. The Available Credit window, pictured above, will open. 单击所需选项前的按钮.

Select the first option if thatâ??s what you want and click OK. The window will close, 客户将把该信用额度应用到他或她自己的帐户中. You can see this in the Customer Center if you click on Customers in the navigation toolbar (or Customers | Customer Center). You can then either click on the Customers & Jobs 选项卡并向下滚动,直到可以突出显示customer??s record or click on Transactions | Credit Memos.

Click on Give a Refund to open the Issue a Refund window. 除了付款方式,其他的都应该填在这里. If you select Cash from the Issue this refund via 下拉列表,然后从打开的列表中选择正确的帐户, 退款金额将从账户中扣除. Select Check and then the Account, and check the box in front of To be printed. 那笔退款会在你下次打开 File menu, then Print Forms | Checks. 选择一张信用卡,在前面的方框里打勾 Process credit card refund when saving 框自动发出信用卡退款.

Tip: If you canâ??t work with credit cards because you donâ??如果你没有商家账户,请打电话给QuickBooks专业人员帮助你设置.

Figure 2: The Issue a Refund window.

If there is an open invoice, the Apply Credit to Invoices 窗口将打开,其中包含未付账单列表. If there isnâ??我在发票前面已经有一个勾号了,你也要应用它, click in the first column to create one. QuickBooks将告诉您申请了多少信用额度以及是否还有剩余. When youâ??ve checked the screen for accuracy, click Done.

Dealing with Overpayments

Letâ??比方说,一位客户正在追付多张未付的发票,他或她给你寄了一张总额的支票,但却多付了你钱. Open the Receive Payments window by going to Customers | Receive Payments or clicking Receive Payments on the home page. Select the customer and enter the Payment Amount and Check #. QuickBooks将在列出的所有未付发票前面加上一个复选标记以表明它们??ve been paid.

In the lower left corner, youâ??ll see a section titled Overpayment. 额外的金额和处理它的两种选择出现在这里. 你可以把钱贷给顾客,也可以退款. 单击要执行的操作,然后保存事务.

图3:如果客户多付钱给你,你可以使用quickbooks?? built-in tools to credit him or her.

You can also issue refunds through the Write Checks 窗口,但这是一个更复杂的过程. Itâ??s easier to process a credit memo.

If youâ??如果您不清楚这里所描述的内容,请联系办公室寻求帮助. 错误的退款或信用额度(或根本没有)会让客户非常不高兴,并可能影响未来的销售. 为什么不让QuickBooks的专业人士帮你第一次做对呢?

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