

QuickBooks的技巧 > 快捷键 > 在QuickBooks中建立首选项


QuickBooks was designed to serve the needs of millions of small businesses. To do that, it had to include the tools 和 processes suitable for a wide variety of companies. But Intuit recognized that every organization is unique, so 你r copy of QuickBooks can be customized in ways that make it work best for .

可以 just dive in 和 start adding records 和 transactions but doing some setup first is highly recommended. 如果你不知道, 你以后可能会遇到一些问题, such as finding that some features 你 need haven't been turned on, 例如, or that QuickBooks is simply not doing some things the way do. The good news is that 你 can change many of these.


QuickBooks将这些选项称为 首选项. 你可以打开 编辑 菜单和选择 首选项.

Figure 1: To start customizing QuickBooks so it works best for 你, open the 编辑 菜单和选择 首选项.

As 你 can see, the left vertical pane contains a list of 偏好 类型. 点击 on any of these to change the option screens to the right. 总是点击标签页 我的喜好公司的偏好 to make sure 你 see everything that is displayed for each type (sometimes one will have no choices).


让我们更仔细地看一组 偏好:提醒. It's very important that 你 visit these screens when 你 begin using QuickBooks. Depending on how big 你r company is 和 how complex 你r accounting processes are, t在这里 may be things 你 need to do every day, like pay bills 和 follow up on overdue invoices. It would be nearly impossible for 你 to do everything on time if 你 did not ask QuickBooks to keep track of critical dates 和 remind 你 of them.

点击 提醒 在左侧垂直制表符中. 您将在下面看到一个选项 我的喜好. 你想要QuickBooks吗 show 提醒 List when opening a Company file? If so--和 this is a good idea--click the box in front of that line if t在这里 is not a check mark t在这里 already, 然后点击 公司的偏好.

Here is w在这里 你 will tell QuickBooks whether 你 want to see summaries or lists for each reminder, 或不. 你 can also specify how much advance notice 你 want for specific tasks by entering a number of days. QuickBooks comes with default settings, but 你 can easily change these.

Figure 2: QuickBooks comes with default settings for 提醒,但你可以输入你自己的 首选项 在这里.

如您所见,很容易指定您的 公司的偏好. 单击下面的相应按钮 显示摘要,显示列表, or 别提醒我. If 你've requested a reminder, delete any number that appears in the box in front of 几天前或几天后 然后输入你自己的.


Make sure that 你 look through all of QuickBooks' 首选项 改变那些不适合你公司的人. Some simply have to do with the way QuickBooks displays information 和 how it functions, but others have direct impact on 你r accounting work. As always, call the office if 你 have any questions.

你 will probably want to visit many of the options under 首选项 因为每个人都有很多选择. Here are several examples of what 你 might want to consider:

  • 会计. Do 你 want to use account numbers 和 classes?
  • 检查. Which accounts should QuickBooks automatically use for tasks like 打开支付账单,打开存款,并打开 创造收入?
  • 财务费用. Will 你 be assessing finance charges on late payments from customers? What is the interest rate, minimum finance charge, 和 grace period?
  • 项目 & 库存. Do 你 want inventory 和 purchase orders to be active?
  • 多种货币. Does 你r company do business using other currencies?
  • 支付. 顾客可以在网上付款吗? 他们会用什么方法呢?
  • 工资 & 员工. Will 你 be processing payroll using QuickBooks?
  • 销售 & 客户. 您想使用销售订单吗? How should QuickBooks h和le invoices when t在这里 are time 和 costs that need to be added?

你 can see why it is important to study QuickBooks' 首选项 在早期. It will help 你 avoid unnecessary roadblocks 和 ensure that 你r company's needs are reflected well in the software.

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我们替你保管你的书, so 你 can get back to the job of running 你r business 和 generating profits.
We offer payroll solutions that meet 你r business's needs 和 enable 你 to spend time doing what 你 do best--running 你r company.
We offer a variety of services to help make sure that 你 are taking full advantage of Quickbooks' many features.
We're 在这里 to help 你 resolve 你r tax problems 和 put an end to the misery that the IRS can put 你 through.
We offer one-on-one guidance 和 a comprehensive financial plan that helps manage risk, 提高性能, 和 ensure the growth 和 longevity of 你r wealth.


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